Next Launch: Consultant Funnel - FIRESALE - Tuesday, May 29th at 11am ET
Get 60% Commissions on the Front-End and 50% on the Rest of the Funnel on this Massive PLR Firesale Offer...
Make Up to $127 Throughout the Entire Funnel!!
Enter your name and email below to get on our update list and eligible for any contest we may have.
Already On Our List? Scroll This Page for Details About Our Upcoming Launch...
Hey there!
Thanks for interest in promoting our upcoming launch. You can check out all the details below.
IMPORTANT: In 2017 we paid affilaites over $87,000!! You can trust us to create world-class products with the same level of customer service.
Thanks again!
Launch Details
Launch Date: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 at 11:00 AM EST
Length: 4-days. Ends Friday, March 23rd at midnight EST.
Commission: 75% on Front End; 50% throughout the rest of the funnel
What is the “Consultant Funnel – Social Media Marketing” Offer?
Over the past year plus I have created and launched several Consultant Funnel packages. Hitting DOTD on all of them except one.
This firesale will include all of these Consultant Funnels PLUS new ones never released before to the public.
Front End Offer: Vol. 1
Ten (10) Consultant Funnels that have never been released to the public beforepre-made lead-gen sites, videos, report, checklist and much more!
OTO 1: Vol. 2
All 13 of our previously released Consultant Funnels to include the Front End Offer and the OTO 1 of each.
- Front-end includes pre-made lead-gen sites, videos, report, checklist and much more.
- The first OTO is a Marketing Kit that includes autoresponder messages, infographic, postcards, direct mail letter, banner ads, social media post images, pre-written Facebook Ads and more.
- Both of these are included with this offer.
DS 1: Vol. 2 Multipay Option
Downsale will be a 2-pay option of $57 each.
OTO 2: Credibility Books
All 13 of our previously released Credibility Books (print book templates). Each Credibility Book consists of the top 25 questions a prospective client would have when it comes to getting their sites ranked high in the search engines and it is designed in a way that the client will realize they don’t want to do it themselves. The value comes in selling the vision of a consultant handing a client or prospect an actual print book with THEIR NAME ON IT! This is literally the easiest and fastest way to gain instant authority and be viewed as the go-to expert.
DS 2: Credibility Books Multipay Option
Downsale will be a 2-pay option of $67 each.
As you can see, we’ve created an absolute ton of value at stupidly low prices.
Affiliate Contest – $1,500 in Cash!
*** Real Time Leaderboard ***
There is $1,500 in cash up for grabs!
Remember you must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
* Sales/units are based on front-end sales only.
** The Affiliate Contest runs from from April 24, 2018, thru Midnight ET on April 27, 2018.
Affiliate Lottery!
We’re Giving Away an Additional $500 to an Affiliate Picked at Random… Well Kind Of…
If we sell at least 700 front-end units** from May 29, 2018, thru Midnight ET on June 1, 2018, we will give away $500 to an affiliate picked at random. For every unit*** an affiliate sells, their name will be put in the pot. For example, if Affiliate A sells 35 units, their name will be put in the drawing 35 times! So the more you sell the more likely you are to win. Every affiliate that has at least two sales qualifies for the drawing. Everyone who qualifies has a chance to win the $500!
*** Sales/units are based on front-end sales only.
Why Offer This to Your List? What Makes it So Special?
There are 3 big reasons why you should promote this:
Check out the sales page to see why this offer is such a great value:
Is There an OTO or Downsell?
Yes. There are two upsells. Both are related to the front end offer BUT not required for your customer to take advantage of the Front End product.
OTO #1: will be all 13 of our previously released Consultant Funnels and their Marketing Kits for one low price.
Click here to check out the OTO #1 sales page.
OTO #2: will be all 13 of our previously released Credibility Books. These books includes the book content, book cover
template and a training series on how to best use CreateSpace.
What Are the Commissions?
Front End: $25.01 - $27.00 on a dimesale – 60% Commissions!
OTO #1: $97.00 – 50% Commissions!
DS 1: 2 x $57.00 – 50% Commissions!
OTO #2: $125.01 - $127.00 on a dimesale – 50% Commissions!
DS 2: 2 x $67.00 – 50% Commissions!
The prices will increase dramatically after the 4-day promotion.
Launch Details
Launch Date: Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 at 11:00 AM EST
Length: 3 days. Ends Friday, June 1st, 2018 at midnight EST.
Commission: 60% on Front End; 50% throughout the rest of the funnel
Affiliate Links
Email Swipes
We have found a few things that really increase your income when it comes to a promotion like this. You probably know this already but here goes:
KEY SUCCESS FACTOR: Plug these emails into your autoresponder now, set the date accordingly then sit back and watch the sales come in!
Pre-Launch Email
Subject: I'll be the first to admit it...
Subject: You might want to sit down for this
Subject: Keep this between us...
Here's the thing…
...I also used to believe that the only way to run a successful consulting practice involved spending countless hours slaving away creating content.
Content such as free reports and checklists just to name a few…
And you wanna know the worst part?
By far, the worst feeling of all is not knowing if your hard work was going to pay off or not.
And if it didn't…
Guess what!
You gotta do it all over again.
Endlessly creating content as if you're stuck in your own twisted version of Groundhog Day.
Think about that for a sec:
If you're still scrambling around, trying to create all of your own content…
Wouldn't you rather spend more time landing new clients?
Wouldn't you be open to a solution that did over 95% of the work for you? Allowing you to solely focus on growing your business?
The truth is…
You don't have to waste all of your time and money creating everything yourself.
There's a better and easier way to reduce your workload without getting burned out!
Allow me to introduce you to Drew Laughlin.
Drew is literally known as "the guy who makes the absolute best PLR content in the offline marketing industry."
He's going to save you tons of time and money by not having you create any content yourself!
Equally important to creating content for your business is getting new clients. So I'm going to leave you with the following question:
Do you struggle to get leads for your business?
That's the topic for our next email which will hit your inbox tomorrow.
Till then...
[Sign off]
P.S. In case you're wondering, PLR stands for Private Label Rights.
Which basically means having a product creator giving you the "rights" to the content they've created to use as your own.
Day 1 - Launch Email
Subject: Struggling to get leads for your business?
Subject: Use THIS to get more clients without doing any of the work
Subject: Consultant Funnel Firesale is LIVE
In case you missed it, Drew Laughlin just opened the doors to his Consultant Funnel Firesale.
An awesome crowd of local growth-minded marketers have already gained access to all 10 consultant funnels available in this incredible PLR package.
=> [affiliate link]
Those fine folks are set to start generating targeted leads for their businesses without the hassle of creating any of their own content.
And these consultant funnels...
Have never been released to the public until now [affiliate link]
(Challenge for you: use just 1 "consultant funnel" and see for yourself just how quickly you'll generate new leads and clients for your business without doing any of the work).
>>> You've already been hard at it, struggling to achieve success working your tail off. What aren't you telling prospective clients that they need to hear?
Why does it seem so easy for other businesses... and so damn hard for yours??
>>> The strategies and techniques you'll find inside the Consultant Funnel Firesale have all been rigorously tested and are PROVEN to convert. In fact, Drew has created over 100 PLR products using proven marketing principles to help more than 4,000 active marketing consultants achieve real results!
By picking up Drew's Consultant Funnel Firesale, you'll have access to EVERYTHING you need to start putting money in the bank by generating new leads and clients for your business.
When you're ready, here's your chance to reduce your workload by up to 95% as well as having a repeatable process for converting your leads into real paying clients!
So stop wasting your time and money trying to create everything yourself.
Approach prospects with confidence using any of Drew's proven to convert consultant funnels [affiliate link]
[Sign off]
P.S. Unlike the poor quality of most PLR packages out there, I can assure you that Drew has an impressive track record of producing top notch products.
This is just one of many reviews and testimonials that Drew regularly receives from his clients and customers.
This is what Bret Forster had to say after purchasing several of Drew's products:
"Drew creates high quality PLR products like a well-oiled machine! When he announces another high quality product or training, I do not hesitate to buy. This saves me a lot of time and money creating the products myself."
=> [affiliate link]
Day 2 - Email
Subject: 10 PROVEN ways to help you get more clients
Subject: Wanna know how to get more clients without doing any work?
Subject: How to convert more leads into paying clients...
The doors to the Consultant Funnel Firesale are now open.
But whether or not you buy…
... you're still going to be responsible for creating content.
... you're still going to have to find leads.
... you're still going to have to convert your leads into paying clients.
And the growth of your consulting practice will all be a result of you effectively managing your time so you don't get burned out creating content.
To make matters worse… it's also anyone's guess how long it will take to create the type of content that actually starts delivering results for your business.
So, no pressure…
But here's where you have a choice [affiliate link]
You can leverage 10 consultant funnels that have been rigorously tested and are PROVEN to convert to help you get more clients.
As if you needed more reassurance… over 95% of the work has been done for you. All you need to do is insert these plug-n-play consultant funnels to build relationships and sell clients on your marketing services.
Yep. That's an option.
And arguably the only one that will consistently save you a ton of time and money generating and converting more leads into clients.
Cause whether or not you buy the Consultant Funnel Firesale…
... having a consistent flow of customers is the lifeline of any business and the key to being in the consulting business game for the long haul.
Time to play it with a stacked deck.
[Sign off]
=> [affiliate link]
Day 3 - Resend Previous Email to Unopens
Day 4 - Final Call/Price Increases Soon Email
Subject: How to know if you'll PROFIT from Consultant Funnels...
Subject: Is the Consultant Funnel Firesale even for you?
Subject: Who the Consultant Funnel Firesale is not for
With the doors to the Consultant Funnel Firesale shutting down at midnight ET TONIGHT!
=> [affiliate linke]
I don't care if Consultant Funnels is "right for you."
And more importantly, YOU don't care if Consultant Funnels is right for you.
The only thing EITHER of us should be concerned about at this point is this…
Will you and your business PROFIT from the Consultant Funnel Firesale.
That's it.
At the end of the day, that's all we're shooting for here.
Consultant Funnels will be PROFITABLE for you if…
You're an offline marketing consultant: who helps local businesses generate more leads and customers. You might also not have enough time or the resources to create your own marketing content.
So if you want to start closing more clients TODAY, and not in some distant future…
Then you're going to love everything that's included in the Consultant Funnel Firesale as it's been streamlined and strategically engineered for rapid, profitable implementation.
You'll be up and running in a matter of minutes versus weeks and months it would otherwise take you if you were to do everything yourself.
The simple fact is, it truly doesn't get any easier than this!
Never feel bottle-necked or helpless again, kicking yourself for trying to do everything while struggling to get leads for your business.
So here’s the deal…
I’m going to invite you, for JUST A FEW SECONDS, to be the type of confident business owner capable of of making a decision.
To either…
>>> Jump into the Consultant Funnel Firesale knowing that you’ll be leveraging 10 rigorously tested and PROVEN to convert consultant funnels that will help you get more clients.
>>> To continue second-guessing every word you write and experiencing the results you’ve grown used to.
The choice is yours.
Click the link below now.
=> [affiliate link]
[Sign off]
Review Copies
Only given to affiliates that sign up for the email reminders.
Please contact me via Skype or email.
Skype ID: drewlaughlin
Email: pdlaughlin [at] gmail [dot] com
Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved.